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How will I get my order?We will send an email or phone text to you once we receive the orders. We will discuss personally with each client about the means of payment if they have not payed yet as well as the date and time of delivery that suits best to each client. Finally, we will deliver the product to you.
How do I place my order safely?1- Go to the product page "Vanilla Beans" 2- Add to cart the quantity of beans you want to purchase 3- Click on View your cart to see the total amount of your purchase 4- Click on the Button "Place your order" to place the order. This button will lead you to this form: 5- Fill the form with your contact information, shipping address, and quantity of products. 6- Choose one option of payment and pay by scanning the QR Code or wait to meet us for your payment. 7- We will review your order and will contact you to inform the delivery. 8- We will deliver the product at your mailing address.
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